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Boose A, Spieker S, Jentgens Ch, Dichgans J (1996). Wrist tremor: Investigation of agonist-antagonist interaction by means of long-term EMG recording and cross-spectral analysis. Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 101:355-363.
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Spieker S, Jentgens Ch, Boose A, Dichgans J (1995). Reliability, specificity, and sensitivity of long-term tremor recordings. Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 97:326-331.
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Boose A, Jentgens Ch, Spieker S, Dichgans J (1995). Variations on Tremor Parameters. Chaos 5:52-56.
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Spieker S, Löschmann P, Jentgens C, Boose A, Klockgether T, Dichgans J (1995). Tremorlytic activity of budipine: A quantitative study with longterm tremor recordings. Clinical Neuropharmacol 18:266-272.
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Spieker S, Boose A, Jentgens C, Dichgans J (1995). Long-term tremor recordings in parkinsonian and essential tremor. J Neural Transmission 46:335-345.
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Boose A, Spieker S, Jentgens C, Klockgether T, Scholz E, Dichgans J (1994). Assessing tremor severity with longterm tremor recordings. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 57:397. (letter)

last changed 4/1994 by Andreas Boose (